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Monday, June 13, 2011

Marble Mountains

Immeditately outside of Da Nang is a series of caves and temples on these Mountains of Marble. Beautiful sights to see if your into that kind of thing, which I am.

Da Nang

Da Nang is located in Central Vietnam. Its a sprawling progressing city. Unlike Singapore, it is safe to say its fairly dirty. Almost everyone riding motorbikes wears masks. Although, the people are really friendly and the food is safe to eat for the most part. Theres no high rises or megamalls. Lots of mom and pop shops and cafes. Its refreshing to not see a 7/11 or starbucks on every corner. Very few tourists, some of the locals will give you a double take and say hello to you. 

 Woman selling small shellfish


 Wo..a Singpore restaurant. Its not bad either lah.


 Eating some Banh Mi(Vietnamese sandwhich