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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chapter 1. Basic Singapore 101

Chapter 1. Basic Singapore 101
Singapore is a massive city and its also a country which makes it very unique. All of Singapore is somewhat the same. Theres a complex of 4-5 HDB high rises. Usually a hawker center nearby. A shopping mall also nearby, a park of some sort then theres usually a few clusters of condos. Most everything is no more than an hour to get to. Theres some amazing natural areas like Macritchie reserve or Jurong Bird park or even the zoo. The beach is strange. Imported sand. At east coast park is a very long stretch of a few pathways for bikes,rollerblades, these weird jumping boot things and just people on walkabouts. The one thing you cant miss is all the freighters queing up to be unloaded or loaded, hundreds of them. Makes it almost impossible to think about going swimming in that water. The traffic is not as bad I would think but then again most people use the amazing public transport system here. Extremely clean and efficient. Although sometimes impossible to get a seat on the MRT.

The climate can be very hot and humid/ some days it feels extreme. But for the most part I have acclimated. It rains quite often and is cloudy about half the time and seems like it will rain any second. There also seems to be times when there are fires in the countries around like Indonesia or Malaysia. I have been here for 9months and it really doesn’t seem any change in the weather.
Surpisingly enough there still is a lot of nature. In fact theres a small tropical rainforest. Theres also a small island pulua Ubin to the north that is one giant forest with great bike roads. There are monkeys throughout and giant lizards.

The people. Singapore is a real Eastern melting pot. Singaporean Chinese, Chinese(from China), Malays, Indians, then theres the every often Western expat from Australia,U.S., Britian, Germany,etc. These expats and of course an army of philipino or Indonesian maid/nannies.
The food. Just like the people, the food is varied. Each Hawker center is usually mostly Chinese with Malay and a few Indian and Muslim food. The food is amazingly cheap about 2.50-5.00 dollars a dish.Usually about every 2-3 stalls is a drink stall that serves really good coffee and fresh squeezed juices and fruit. Some places tout which can be really annoying and makes me go in the other direction. Most places have big pictures and a number to make it easy for translation purposes. Sometimes the pictures don’t quite match up with what you get. But its still pretty clean. They do have a rating system for the level of cleaniness. One thing you will notice is some stalls will have large Queue lines, this doesn’t necessarily mean the food is great but sometimes means its also cheap and good. Some of the more famous dishes is Nasi Lemak(Malay) which is basically fried chicken with rice and small little fish on top. Char Keuy teow which is a thick blackish gravy fried noodles with some bits of seafood. Whats amazing is how much they eat but you rarely see Fat people. I really love the the chilli and comdiments that you can usually self serve. Like sambal chili paste, sometimes in a disgusting vat but still good.
The Shopping.

The second most activity in Singapore besides eating is Shopping. Malls,Malls,Malls. That is basically Singapore. And they are always quite packed. Most malls have food courts either in the basement and on the top floors.